
Below you find a list of all works by Martin Schlumpf in chronological order.

Since Spring 2013, Edition Kunzelmann (Edition Peters) has been responsible for the printing of selected scores and the rental of all orchestra scores and parts.
A few single works have been published by HUG Musikverlage and by Bote & Bock (today Boosey & Hawkes).
Other scores can be ordered from the Schweizer Musikedition (SME) or directly from the composer.

Miscellaneous compositions for soprano saxophone or bass clarinet or contrabass clarinet, piano, marimba or vibraphone or percussion, 1993:
Schlumatsnick 1-5

Minischlu 1
12 – eraus
6+3 binär

  • Bermuda-Beispiel 1 (“Bermuda-Example 1”) for four improvising musicians, 1993
  • “…wie die Zeit vergeht…” (“how time flies”), 9 rational time-leaps at point 662/264 for piano and percussion quartet, 1993
  • December Rains for solo piano, 1992-3
  • Sommerbogen (“Summer Arch”) for guitar quartet, 1992

New program for the Bermuda Viereck, 1991-92:
Ali Baba im Wunderland

Herr Nachbar, pathetisch
“als ich 15 war” (K. Bayer)
Bluse für M.
Müll unser (G. Grass)
Hard 11
3 für 2

  • Weil der Wald an den Menschen stirbt (“because the forest is dying of human beings”) for mixed chorus and stones (after Günter Grass), 1991
  • Winterkreis (“Winter Circle”) for saxophone quartet, 1991
  • Himbeerrot die Sonne steigt (“The sun rises raspberry-red”) for 2 soprano saxophones, clarinet, trombone, viola, double bass and piano 4-hands, 1991
  • Das Heu gärt (“The hay ferments”) for small group of improvisers, 1990

New program for the Bermuda Viereck, 1989:
Bluse für Ch.

Quick Zappa inglese
The harder the better
Round about

S’hätt nöd sölle si
Claire de prune
Simple Melody
Messiaen lässt grüssen

8 compositions for a full-length program on texts by Konrad Bayer, for Schlumpf’s own sextet “Die Vögel”, 1986:
“herr je und we du liebe zeit”

“plötzlich ging die sonne aus”
“die vögel”
“flötengong – alte wunde”
“der kutscher sitzt auf dem tanzmeister”
“er der tag”
“mit einem schwert aus reinem crystall”
“riegel mir den hals”

7 compositions for Schlumpf’s own combo, Bermuda Viereck, 1985:
Ein gelber Spazierstock rutscht mir quer durchs Haupt (Pathethology)

Noblesse galvanisée
Hardau-Suite (59/2 Süd)
Die Ballade vom Elephanten und dem Moskito (in memoriam Timo Fleig)
29/16: die Wolkenpumpe
Bimmelresonanz II

  • Onyx for alto saxophone and cello, 1985

6 compositions for Schlumpf’s own 11-piece band, Swiss Fusion 84:

From Eriboll to Kirkiboll (after Ernst W. Heine)
Rattaplasma – der serbische Olymp – Kokoskotten (on Dada texts)

  • Ostinato II for 3 improvising musicians and orchestra, 1982
  • “…dass es wächst und schwillt”, (“that it grows and swells”), short cantata for baritone, piano and string orchestra (after Hermann Hiltbrunner), 1981
  • Ostinato I for 3 improvising musicians and string ensemble, 1980
  • Ballade for improvising trio, 1980
  • Chip, improvisational chart for 3 players and prerecorded tape, 1980
  • Jeux for 3 clarinets, 1979
  • Monolog II for piano, 1978
  • Schichtungen (“Stratifications”) for solo trumpet, piano obligato and orchestra, 1977-8
  • Tenebrae for soprano, alto, baritone, mixed chorus, 5 brass instruments, harpsichord and string quintet (after Paul Celan), 1976-7
  • Todesfuge (“Death Fugue”) for 16-voice speaking chorus (after Paul Celan), 1976
  • Monolog I for unaccompanied cello, 1976
  • String Quartet, 1975
  • Les extrèmes se touchent for cello and piano, 1975
  • Fragment for chamber orchestra with violin obligato, 1974-5
  • 5 Stücke for large orchestra, 1973
  • Evokationen (“Evocations”) for six brass instruments, piano and percussion, 1972
  • 3 Lieder for soprano and chamber ensemble (on poems by Paul Celan), 1971
  • Trio for flute, viola and harp, 1970