pulsar_2 for voice, flute, piano and computer (Ambisonics), 2009
21:30′ tgm 47.294 Commissioned by the Zurich University of the Arts Première: September 11, 2009, Zurich, Festival of the Arts of the Zurich University of the Arts (Kornelia Bruggmann, vocal, Matthias Ziegler, flutes and Roger Girod, piano; Martin Schlumpf, computersounds)
On May 3, 2018 Premiere of a new extended version with additional drums in the concert series schlumpf+ with Catriona Bühler (vocal), Andreas Stahel (flutes), Roger Girod (piano) and Tobias Hunziker (drums); Martin Schlumpf (computersounds) Here the video of this new version:
At the Première, from left to right: Roger Girod, Kornelia Bruggmann, Martin Schlumpf and Matthias Ziegler
On May 3, 2018 Premiere of a new extended version with additional drums in the concert series schlumpf+ with Catriona Bühler (vocal), Andreas Stahel (flutes), Roger Girod (piano) and Tobias Hunziker (drums); Martin Schlumpf (computersounds) Here the video of this new version:
Pulsars are rotating neutron stars which emit radio waves into space at regular intervals. If they were audible to us, a pulse-polyphony of different tempi and pitches would be heard. This simultaneity of different tempi and event strands is symbolic of my composition series “pulsar”, coordinating live instruments and their performers via a click track (metronome in the ear) with the computer. The resulting music almost sounds as if coming from a universe in the room: speakers are arranged around the audience, allowing the precise placement of sound throughout the room. Improvised parts mix and mingle with composed parts, resulting in a colorful, sensitive, thoughtful, ritualistic and rhythmic music. This Play of Tones tries to speak directly to the open-minded listener. „pulsar_2“ was composed in 2009 in my studio and my composing hut in Würenlingen and is dedicated to the three performers.